Introduction to Persistable

This tutorial explains how Persistable works. We’ll focus especially on Persistable’s interactive parameter selection features. See Quick start for a fast introduction to using the software.

As a running example, we’ll use a synthetic dataset from the hdbscan GitHub repository. This is a great test dataset, since it is quite challenging for most clustering algorithms, but easy to visualize.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from urllib.request import urlopen
from io import BytesIO

# fetch the data from the hdbscan repo
url = ""
f = urlopen(url)
rf =
data = np.load(BytesIO(rf))

# plot the data
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], alpha=0.5)

Background: the DBSCAN algorithm

To understand how Persistable works, it’s helpful to first understand the DBSCAN algorithm, perhaps the best-known approach to density-based clustering. (In fact, we will discuss a minor modification of the original algorithm, sometimes called DBSCAN*. This handles the so-called “border” points in a way that is more consistent with a statistical intepretation of clustering in terms of level sets of a density.)

Say our data comes in the form of a finite set of points X with a metric (like the points plotted in 2D above). The parameters of DBSCAN are a distance scale s (sometimes called epsilon) and a density threshold k (sometimes called min_samples). Now, the “core points” C(X) are those points of X with at least k neighbors in their s-neighborhood:

\[C(X)_{s,k} = \{ x \in X : |B(x,s)| \geq k \}.\]

Here, B(x,s) is the set of points whose distance from x is no more than s.

The DBSCAN graph G(X)s,k takes these core points as vertices, and puts an edge between two core points if the distance between them is no more than s:

\[\begin{split}\mathsf{vertices} \; G(X)_{s,k} &= C(X)_{s,k}. \\ \mathsf{edges} \; G(X)_{s,k} &= \{ \{x,y\} \in C(X)_{s,k} : d(x,y) \leq s \}.\end{split}\]

Now, the DBSCAN clustering of X (with respect to s and k) is just the set of connected components of the DBSCAN graph G(X)s,k.

As the values of the parameters s and k vary, we get a whole hierarchy of graphs that encode cluster structure in the data. These are hierarchical in the sense that if two data points are clustered together in the graph G(X)s,k, then they remain together for any larger s or smaller k.

We can get a feel for this 2-parameter hierarchy of graphs by plotting the component counting function: for each (s,k), we simply count the number of components in the graph G(X)s,k.


The component counting function of our running example. The darker the shade of grey, the more components.

In this plot, we see the typical behavior of the DBSCAN graphs. When s is small and k is large, no points qualify as core points, and we see no clusters. When s is large and k is small, we have many core points and many edges, and the graph G(X)s,k is connected.

In between these two regimes, there is a band in which interesting things are happening.

As a descriptor of our data, the component counting function is usually too coarse to really see what’s going on. But at least it gives us an idea of the range of values of s and k that lead to interesting cluster structure.

Rather than fix a single choice of the parameters s and k like DBSCAN, Persistable takes a multi-scale approach, which we will describe next.

Clustering with Persistable

Conceptually, Persistable constructs a single clustering of data from the DBSCAN graphs in two steps.

Step 1: Reduce from the 2-parameter hierarchy of graphs G(X) to a 1-parameter hierarchy by taking a slice.

A slice is defined by a line in the (s,k)-space:

\[k = ms + b \; \; \text{ with } \; m < 0 \; \text{ and } \; b > 0\]

which gives us a 1-parameter hierarchy of graphs:

\[G(X)_{r} = G(X)_{r, mr + b} \, .\]

We always take m < 0, so that k decreases as s increases. This has the effect that, as r increases, it gets easier for points of G(X)r to be in the same component. We get a 1-parameter hierarchical clustering of the data by taking the components of G(X)r.

Since k and s both change with r, this hierarchical clustering reflects cluster structure at a range of density thresholds and distance scales.


A slice of G(x) is plotted in blue, along with its barcode, in green.

An important feature of Persistable is an interactive tool for choosing slices. We’ll discuss this tool, and how to choose a slice in practice, after we discuss the second step of Persistable.

Step 2: Extract a single clustering of the data from the 1-parameter slice using the notion of persistence from topological data analysis.

In the picture above, a slice of G(X) is plotted in blue, and its barcode is plotted in green. The barcode of a 1-parameter hierarchical clustering is a visualizable summary of the hierarchy. A bar is born when a cluster is born in the hierarchy, and when two clusters merge, one of the corresponding bars ends, according to the Elder rule. For more on this construction, see The barcode of a hierarchical clustering.

In this example, there are six fairly long bars (in dark green), as well as some shorter bars (in light green). Longer bars represent clusters that survive across a bigger range of scales, and are thus more likely to represent real structure in the data, rather than an artifact of the algorithm.

To get a clustering of the data from the slice, we only have to choose how many bars we want to keep. If we choose n bars, the output of Persistable will consist of n clusters. These clusters correspond to the n longest bars in the barcode, so the strategy is to look at the barcode and try to draw a line between long bars and short bars.

In this example, 6 bars is a reasonable choice. Now, the persistence-based flattening algorithm extracts a clustering with 6 clusters. See The persistence-based flattening algorithm for a description of this algorithm.

Going back to our example dataset, we get the following result (gray points do not belong to any cluster):


Choosing a slice

Persistable’s interactive mode provides several visualization tools that help the user choose a slice. The rest of this tutorial is an introduction to these tools. For a quick guide, see Quick start.

To plot the component counting function using Persistable, we use Persistable’s interactive mode:

p = persistable.Persistable(data, n_neighbors="all")
pi = persistable.PersistableInteractive(p)
port = pi.start_ui()

The variable port contains the port in localhost serving the GUI, which 8050 by default, but may be different if that port is in use. Accessing localhost:[port] opens a window that is initially pretty empty:


To get started, press the “Compute” button under “Component Counting Function”. After the computation is finished, you should see a plot of the component counting function:


To zoom in or out, adjust the parameters in the “Inputs” box.

The component counting function can give us an idea of where the interesting cluster structure is, but just from looking at this plot, it’s not usually clear which slice we want to choose.

The next step in Persistable’s interactive mode is the Prominence Vineyard. To use this tool, choose two slices:


To do this, turn the “Vineyard inputs selection” on, and choose the slices by choosing their endpoints. You can choose the endpoints by clicking on the component counting function plot, or by entering the coordinates of the endpoints in the “Inputs” box under “Prominence Vineyard”.

It’s often a good strategy to choose the first slice in a region with many clusters, and the second slice in a region with few clusters, as above.

Now press “Compute” under “Prominence Vineyard”. After the computation is complete, the vineyard is displayed:


What is the meaning of this plot?

First, recall that the barcode of a hierarchical clustering gives us a coarse summary of its structure. We can get an even coarser summary by just remembering the length of each bar, which is also called the prominence of the bar. This list of prominences tells us how many clusters are in the hierarchy, and how long each one persists in the hierarchy.

Now, the Prominence Vineyard is constructed by taking a family of slices that interpolate between the two user-selected slices, and for each interpolating slice, plotting the prominences of the bars in its barcode. These prominences trace out curves that we call vines. The result is a visual summary of how the hierarchical clustering we get changes as we change the slice.

To get a clustering of the data, all we have to do now is choose a slice and choose how many bars (i.e., clusters) to keep. Recall that we are looking to draw a line between long bars and short bars. In the Prominence Vineyard plot, this corresponds to a gap between large and small prominences.

To choose a slice and a gap, turn on the “Parameter selection” option under “Prominence Vineyard”.

In this example, we see a huge gap between the largest and second-largest vines. This is typical, since the most prominent bar in a hierarchical clustering is typically much longer than all the others. After this, the gap between the 6th and 7th vines stands out:


This is particularly noticeable if we display prominences on log scale, using the option in the “Inputs” box under “Prominence Vineyard”:


Setting the “Gap number” to 6 and choosing a slice (i.e., a vertical line in the Prominence Vineyard plot) where this gap is large, we’ve made all the choices we need to get a clustering. So, press the “Choose parameter” button.

Now where’s the clustering? We can get cluster labels for the data points from the PersistableInteractive object:

cluster_labels = pi.cluster()

Points labelled -1 are noise, and the clusters are labelled starting from 0. We can visualize the result by plotting the points with colors corresponding to the labels:

# choose color map
import matplotlib
cNorm  = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=np.amax(cluster_labels))
scalarMap =, cmap='Paired')
noise_color = (211/255, 211/255, 211/255, 1) # light grey

# plot data with clusters indicated by colors
plt.scatter(data[:,0], data[:,1], c=[noise_color if x==-1 else scalarMap.to_rgba(x) for x in cluster_labels], alpha=0.5)